Friday, May 21, 2010

Not to Kid

All kidding aside - my husband and I choose not to have kids. We made a decision early on for a multitude of reasons. However, its somehow considered a bad thing that you don't want to have kids. In fact, my mother-in-law tells people we can't have kids instead of just telling them the truth. We find it ironic that we've made a responsible, mature choice based on our lifestyles and work - however, we should praise the world for believing married couples should have kids and then use welfare, daycare, nannies and mores to raise kids. There are great parents out there and bad parents. What makes us bad people for just plainly deciding early on we didn't want kids. 2 kids and divorce later is a hell of time to realize you made the wrong choice.

1 comment:

  1. Hi neighbor. . . I'm sure everyone wants you to breed because you guys are such great people.

    That's my insightful comment for the day.

    Although I know people respect your choice. . . especially because the world needs more people like ya'll.

    That's my Southern comment for the day.

    Peace out.

    P.S. I covet your beautiful garden and will visit often until you build a fence.
